Join US!!
QPOCC is what we make it collectively. Everyone can participate in some way, there is no pressure to attend everything, and do everything!! With that being said come as you are, when you can and when you need.
Membership costs (sliding scale; kids 18 and under free)
Individual/Family Memberships (provides financial support for LGBTQ community space in Greensboro)
membership never based on ability to financially contribute.
Monthly Retainers ($5-unlimited)
Family Annual Dues: $60/year
One Time Donations
Corporate Memberships (Annual Minimum $250)
Provides support for QPOCC's operating expenses and the mission of your organization.
$250-$500 Sponsorship Level
-Recognition on QPOCC's website/newsletter
-Recognition at QPOCC events
-Promotion on our email signature blast
$500-$1000 Sponsorship Level
All of the above, plus:
-One panel/facilitated discussion by QPOCC leadership for your organization annually
-Recognition in the first physical LGBTQ community space in Greensboro
Pay Membership Dues
Please contact us directly if you financial assistance is needed.
Become a Member!
Enjoy your Membership and SPREAD THE WORD!!!
Queer People
of Color